Friday, July 30, 2010

Getting ready to leave

It's been along time since i last blogged. I've been really focussed on spending more time and effort with the kids here at the ALbany Boys and Girls club....and doinng more shopping. For gifts and also for clothes, because the deals here are just too good to be true, in comparison to singapore. Oh man, I think i won't shop in singapore for a long time, eveyrthing is sooo expensive! Shopping really takes soo much time here, especially when travelling to and fro already take up 2 hours-since i don't have a car, i have to take the public bus. And that's excluding waiting time!

ALthough I am going to leave in less than 2 weeks (I amd reluctant to count exactly how many days i have left), I still get to know new kids everyday. I get to talk to them, engage them, remember their names, and they remember mine. It's just so sad that there are so many more kids i haven't got to know and I already have to leave. I wasn't sure if i should tell them about me leaving next week, I just dun want them to feel that I didn't really care when i leave. I told some of them today, and they were asking me when i owuld come back. All i can say is, maybe in 1 yrs time when i come back to do my masters. I don't even know if i would be near this place for my masters.

Today I asked Karly, the human resource manager if I could get some form of certificate that I have been here. If i wanna to continue working with children, a certificate of voluntary work here would be really helpful. I dun want any credit, I just want something that could help me continue working with children in the future. And I was really touched when she told me, whenever I'm not here, the kids go to her and ask her for me. They would say " where's Ms Regina? She gotta play with me".

Small little things like the kids remembering my name, asking around for me, asking me to go in to the pool with them, really makes me feel wanted here and reluctant to leave this place and these kids for good. It's like I've grown roots here, formed meaningful relationships and found unconditional friendship that fills my life with joy and contentment.

I've been starting to take photos of the kids and some with me. I'm going to put them into a sketchbook and get them to write something in it, even if it's their names. Photos always bring back good memories, and my time spent here has been one of the happiest so far. I've never been so reluctant to leave somewhere so much. But I know part of me is relieved to go back to my family, to see them again, to do the things we always do again. Doing this really distracts me from thining how sad it is to leave the kids. It's amazing, but it kinda replace the sadness with excitement, excitement to put as many photos and get as many kids to write in my sketchbook.

I really love these kids...and i hope if i do come back i might still be able to see them! Maybe next summer....Perhaps i can find a summer job here!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The kids are amazing!

Hey guys, this entry is more like a self-expression entry, not one that reports what is happening around here. So if you don't wanna waste time hearing me go on and on about the kids at the Boys and Girls club, don't even start reading.

These two weeks have been really packed! Tues to Thurs 9am to 5pm of volunteer work at the albany boys and girls club, with Tues and thurs split between the BGC in Troy and Albany.

I get really exhausted when I get back to the apartment nowadays. I don't even cook dinner anymore, and today, i actually skipped lunch! I NEVER skip my meals, i'll at least get something light to eat. Everyday when i get back to the apartment, I just wanna bath and sleep. But i still have to work on my FYP research....zzz

But you know what? Everytime i get on my way back from the centre, I am already looking forward to going there the next day. Like now, i'm so excited to go back there and be around the kids. the kids are just great, and they have this ability to get you addicted to them!! Be it the sweet ones that come to you and say they like you, or the playful ones and defiant ones that question the rules all the time, they just get to you! I was speaking to one of the counsellor working at the centre, and he says that too! So it's not like i'm super kindhearted or caring, but it's the kids, they are just lovable. I've never liked to be somewhere so much even though it's really exhausting.

I'm so going to miss the kids when i so going to....If there is any reason for me to stay, it would be these kids, and with abit more irrationality and impulse, I might do that you know. I'm kinda doubting myself if I will NOT do it, but i jsut have too much i have to return to. You know, people sometimes have this impulse to give up everything and just go somewhere to do something in another part of the world? I'm feeling a tinch of it right now, I hope it's just a moment of impulse and that it'll fade away.

I feel so blessed that at least the kids don't shun me because i'm an asian and i'm different from them. They have been showing me so much love and attention which I ought to be giving to them. They'll come to you and say "hi", ask you to play with them, tell you they like you, they like your hair, and they want you to talk to them. The fact that they even come to you and want your company, not everyone gets that you know. I guess I'm a big kid myself, and perhaps they feel that too and can relate to me. I'm feeling really happy today even though i'm feeling really tired on the outside, because a little girl gave me a sticker today! There was this girl, she's really brilliant I tell you! She loves to read and write and is a sweethear tto talk to! It was time for the kids to leave the centre and I was finding a spot to sit down and rest when these two girls ccame to me, McKayla and Lauran. I've been toking and playing with them just for the past two days and they actually remembered me! Adults tend to forget, even though they are supposed to have better memory.

Today, there was this kid called Xavier, pronounced like the X-men professor. I was palying basketball and I beat him, I think i should have cut him some slack. But he was so confident he would win me that I can't help but prove him wrong-see that kid in me overpowering me again? It was quite amusing, because in the midst of getting thrashed, he was saying he never lost to a girl. But I think the next time I'll let him win...I had my turn already...

I could go on and on talking about each kid that I interact with and whom still remembers me two days later...but I'll just stop here. But really, once you get to know them, you'll realize you actually like them more than you think you do. I'm going to make a bet, but I feel that anyone will agree!

I'm really neglecting my FYP research and self-study, but I really can't help it. Who would spend time studying when you have only one month left to hang out every week day with the kids?! Oh God, please bless me with some discipline...I really need to get to work!

Sorry to whoever is reading this entry. I just feel so excited about the kids everyday that I just need to put it down somewhere. This entry is more like a self-expression entry, not one that reports what is happening around here. Ok I think i'll state that at the beginning of this entry so I can spare thosee who don't wanna waste time listening to me going on and on about my self-indulged excitement.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

First day as a volunteer

In Rhode island now, back at my jiejie's house. It's almost like a routine now, coming over on the weekends. Helping her in her garden, cycling along the bike trail in the evenings, walking buddy, and going to URI for day study......Just when I'm starting to get used to life like these, reality checks on me and reminds me that I only have one more month-4 more weekends to do this. I really going to miss everything here.....

Oh i forgot to talk about my first day volunteering at the Boys and Girls club. I really enjoyed the company of the kids, in fact, I hoped to have gone to the club on friday instead of going to rhode island. Although they were black children from needy family, who were supposedly less motivated and of lower academic competence, they actually appear more confident and responsive towards the staff in the centre. I'm sure given more guidance and pointed ot the right direction, these kids can achieve much more! But then again, financial difficulties implicate so much more that makes it harder for these kids to fulfill their potential and dreams. I can only hope that somewhere along the way, they find inspiration to pursue something better!

I realized that kids are so different from each other. Everyone like kids who are agreeable, participative, friendly and responsive, and adults can unconsciously show favoritism towards certain kids. I almost got into that, but realize my mistake when i came across a kid during gym, who didn't seem interested to participate in playing any games with anyone.

He seemed quite lost at what to do at first, and simply sat on the side bench while everyone else, including the staff, were playing some game. I tried talking to him and asked him if there was any game he liked to play, but he just shook his head and kept silent. This kid stood out from the rest, because he was exceptionally reserved and introverted. this is in stark contrast to the other kids because they ALL were funloving and outspoken. I hope to be able to at least able to engage him in gym before I leave this place. It's a challenge that I might not have the means or appropriate knowledge to overcome, but i do hope that at least I can become a friend.

I remember that day when Paul picked me up from the centre to go to rhode island, we drove past a black neighbourhood that people would associate with the word "ghetto". Even though separated by the window screen, I could feel the atmosphere outside, with the loud hiphop music, people shouting to each other, kids playing on the streets, and people hanging around the steps from their apts. I've always wanted to go to brooklyn to feel what the black culture is like, I guess I didn't have to go that far.

It was not fear that i felt. Instead, on one hand I was fascinated about finally seeing such a street for myself, and the other, respect for this special lifestyle that belonged to the african americans. I respect their style, their attitude, and also the hardship they face as "blacks". I believe that many others would have felt the same if they saw what i did. Most of the black people are disadvantaged, especially the innocent children, but they don't need sympathy, they need opportunity. I do hope that life could be kinder towards them. And welfare centres like the boy and girls club, is definietly another step towards a better future for the kids.

I know i've said this before, but I am again very thankful that I came to american, that i decided to go for this internship and also coincidentally, my professor transferred me to my current professor. If all these had not happened, I would not have experienced so much more! Just like what Sandar says, "it's God's grace". I trully believe it is! Because if it were not so, I don't think I would be able to come here in the first place.

Whoever is reading this, do grab any opportunity that brings you to different places that could give you another side of life. It really opens your eyes and help you realize how meaningful it is to just be alive! You're life is not all there is, and believe me, you need to experience it to trully understand and be convinced about that. I remember Michael Jackson's song had this phrase "stop existing and start living". I''m beginning to get what this means.

Oh man, another long entry! But well, these are what I really feel and since I promised to share what's happening here, it only fair i put in enough details right?

I'm really looking forward to Tuesday when I see the kids again......Wish me luck!