Thursday, July 8, 2010

The kids are amazing!

Hey guys, this entry is more like a self-expression entry, not one that reports what is happening around here. So if you don't wanna waste time hearing me go on and on about the kids at the Boys and Girls club, don't even start reading.

These two weeks have been really packed! Tues to Thurs 9am to 5pm of volunteer work at the albany boys and girls club, with Tues and thurs split between the BGC in Troy and Albany.

I get really exhausted when I get back to the apartment nowadays. I don't even cook dinner anymore, and today, i actually skipped lunch! I NEVER skip my meals, i'll at least get something light to eat. Everyday when i get back to the apartment, I just wanna bath and sleep. But i still have to work on my FYP research....zzz

But you know what? Everytime i get on my way back from the centre, I am already looking forward to going there the next day. Like now, i'm so excited to go back there and be around the kids. the kids are just great, and they have this ability to get you addicted to them!! Be it the sweet ones that come to you and say they like you, or the playful ones and defiant ones that question the rules all the time, they just get to you! I was speaking to one of the counsellor working at the centre, and he says that too! So it's not like i'm super kindhearted or caring, but it's the kids, they are just lovable. I've never liked to be somewhere so much even though it's really exhausting.

I'm so going to miss the kids when i so going to....If there is any reason for me to stay, it would be these kids, and with abit more irrationality and impulse, I might do that you know. I'm kinda doubting myself if I will NOT do it, but i jsut have too much i have to return to. You know, people sometimes have this impulse to give up everything and just go somewhere to do something in another part of the world? I'm feeling a tinch of it right now, I hope it's just a moment of impulse and that it'll fade away.

I feel so blessed that at least the kids don't shun me because i'm an asian and i'm different from them. They have been showing me so much love and attention which I ought to be giving to them. They'll come to you and say "hi", ask you to play with them, tell you they like you, they like your hair, and they want you to talk to them. The fact that they even come to you and want your company, not everyone gets that you know. I guess I'm a big kid myself, and perhaps they feel that too and can relate to me. I'm feeling really happy today even though i'm feeling really tired on the outside, because a little girl gave me a sticker today! There was this girl, she's really brilliant I tell you! She loves to read and write and is a sweethear tto talk to! It was time for the kids to leave the centre and I was finding a spot to sit down and rest when these two girls ccame to me, McKayla and Lauran. I've been toking and playing with them just for the past two days and they actually remembered me! Adults tend to forget, even though they are supposed to have better memory.

Today, there was this kid called Xavier, pronounced like the X-men professor. I was palying basketball and I beat him, I think i should have cut him some slack. But he was so confident he would win me that I can't help but prove him wrong-see that kid in me overpowering me again? It was quite amusing, because in the midst of getting thrashed, he was saying he never lost to a girl. But I think the next time I'll let him win...I had my turn already...

I could go on and on talking about each kid that I interact with and whom still remembers me two days later...but I'll just stop here. But really, once you get to know them, you'll realize you actually like them more than you think you do. I'm going to make a bet, but I feel that anyone will agree!

I'm really neglecting my FYP research and self-study, but I really can't help it. Who would spend time studying when you have only one month left to hang out every week day with the kids?! Oh God, please bless me with some discipline...I really need to get to work!

Sorry to whoever is reading this entry. I just feel so excited about the kids everyday that I just need to put it down somewhere. This entry is more like a self-expression entry, not one that reports what is happening around here. Ok I think i'll state that at the beginning of this entry so I can spare thosee who don't wanna waste time listening to me going on and on about my self-indulged excitement.

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