Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rhode Island day 3- valerie and I

Issey and Daphne left for Maryland today while Valerie and I decided to stay in Rhode island.

Finally we made some snow man! Paul was really good! His was like a sculpture piece with arms and boobs! Valerie's and mine were the usual one with stick arms and carrot nose.

Paul brought us to his parent's place which was just across the barn about 200m away-they live in another apartment which was build by his father.

It had a more cottage feel than Paul's place! His mom likes to collect ornaments and China (porcelein), and she's in to handicraft too! This quilt that she put together is made up of small pieces of clothes pieces made by each member of their family when they were young. It's really a meaningful piece, especially when all the pieces are sewn together just how they will always be connected to each other.

We met Paul daughter's pet snake. It was very colourful and had a nice pattern. It was really yucky when I touched it at first, because it's tail was like a lizard!! And you know how fearful i am i lizards!!!! But after that, it was really quite fun because they are really easy to handle and maintain-except that you have to feed them frozen baby mice!!

Paul drew us around Wakefield where they stay. This is a paint research plant where they test out the paints out in the open. Paul said that they test their paint here because it's near the ocean, so they paints can undergo the test of elements like moisture, salt, sun and wind.

We went to a part of the long beach that lines Wakefield. It was really chilly and windy that day. Coldzzzz! But the view was nice.

When we got back, Paul brought us to one of his secret chambers in the house. Inside what did not seem like a door or whatsoever, was a room full of ammunition. Rifles, guns, pistols, for military or hunting he had a whole collection of it!

Paul allowed me and Valerie to get a feel of the rifle. He emphasized "The gun is always loaded".

This is a container to transfer gun powder to the old kind of pistols. In the olden day, the gun can only fire one shot at a time! And ti's so troublesome to reload. You have to pour the gun powder into the gun, insert a flint. How did they survive fighting in a war?!

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