Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rhode island 2- Valentine's Day

We woke up to another sumptous breakfast fro Valentine's! And after breakfast, Paul brought us on a mini-tour around the house.

This is Paul's RV (caravan). According to him, the high oil prices have made travelling in an RV very expensive, he can't afford to go on road trips in his caravan anymore. Oh yah, driving to Texas could go up to thousand dollars!

This is his workshop where he built some of his furniture. It used to be his mother's greenhouse until it became too tiring for her to tend to her plants.

Oh yah I must tell you guys about Paul's collection of bikes! He has I think about 10 bikes! And the car on the left is a vintage car that people collect as antiques, and he has a chevrolet old sports car! Ok I'll be going to Rhode island again, I'll take a clearer photo of the vintage car and the sports car.

After the tour, my apartment people went on a trip to Newport in Rhode Island. Being another state of "New England", Newport has very British feel to the houses and the school buildings. There's nothing much to do there but go visit the beautiful beaches and try their seafood. We didn't get to eat any seafood this time round since Rose wanted us back for dinner.

We visited the Cliff Walk, which is basically taking a stroll on a cliff at the shore.

Oh yah! Look at how steep the steps of the stairs are?! I slipped and would have sustained serious injuries if Issey didn't break my fall. Hate to say this......but I owe him one. I really can't imagine what would become of me if I fell!

Haha did a bit of snow shovelling when we got back in the evening too! It's really quite tiring!

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