Thursday, July 14, 2011

Better late than never blog

Only at my second entry after 13 days of travel! Some things just never change...

Now that Jac has gone back to Singapore, I'll be travelling on my own going around visiting the people I have been hoping to see again. I shall just skip past my trip in DC and New York and talk about now, before I forget everything. I'll get back to them later on, somehow...

I dun know if i mentioned in my prev entry, but coming to the US this time felt like I was returning home, a place I left abruptly. So there was less vacation excitement, but more of like an extension to where I left off. I wanted to go visit other states the last time, so this time i did- Washington DC, Delaware. And I will be seeing a little of New Jersey when I stay over at Shaina's (she came to NTU for an exchange program and I met her in class).

I'm in Rhode Island now, been here 2 days, and it feels so much like home! Waking up at 6am to bright sunshine, breakfast, then harvesting from the garden-occasionally harvesting black rasberries for my stomach. doing the dishes is the only thing I can offer to Rose and Paul for their hospitality, so I find joy in it :) The garden, always beautiful with all the flowers and pots of tomato. I love picking up leftovers from the stand, where they sell the harvet, for dinner. There's just this joy and comfort in self-sufficiency.

The first day I came I earned 35bucks, from helping Rose clean up one of the houses she worked for, and walking a dog (it was 20 USD per hour!) Today I got a ride on the highway on Paul's 1700cc Yamaha bike-it was really quite cool! But it wasn't all that fun when he went from 10mph to 80mph in 5 felt like those moments when ur cycling down a steep slope and you feel like you'll lose control and just die. But, I got used to it after a while, and even secretly hope to get a bike on my own. Actually....not so much a secret since I did mention many times I would like a bike for my transport. Oh well, let's see how things go.

Being back here relinguish that sense of freedom I once felt when I was here. I just didn't realize that it disappeared when i got back to singapore, so much I didn't feel it anymore. Now that it's coming back to me, I really wish I could stay on here and just live a carefree life. Striving hard to earn money just don't make that much sense when you know life can be peaceful and contented. I would really wanna come back here to study, get myself a clinical degree so I could work in the hospital where my aim is to serve, not to collect cash every payday.

I hope this trip back here remind me that life can go on without being unsurped into a hectic society where money always seem to be a factor. Over here, you can get any job at all and earn sufficient living, yet enjoy life. People don't compare the prestige of their job so much, at least in places like rhode island (at least there are such places you know!), whether the pay is matched up to their degree, what branded goods they have acquired etc....I guess some people find that kinda life fulfilling, a constant journey of ACHIEVEMENT. But like Morrie says "If you culture dont'work, don't buy it".

Photos....arg...i hate to upload photos on blogger. I really admire people who have the patience to upload pictures...ok I gtg now, need to get soem stuff for my next stop-a beach gathering at my friend's place. Really looking forward to it cos there will be frisbee!! And I mean actual ultimate frisbee games...finally!

Can't wait to see the kids in albany too! The in-charge has allowed me to join their camp for 3 days, how great is that! I just wish I won't be too relunctant to leave.

Oh man I bought so much stuff I am so excitement to give them out! And tell them about all the super deals that I can never get in Singapore. Forget about Great Singapore SALE!

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