Friday, July 1, 2011

Turbulance while in the lavatory!!!

Day one....actually day zero to be exact. IT being the second time I am flying without family and going to the US, I didn't really get the nerves, but insted was really excited! I still can't believe that I am finally going for my GRADUATION trip, after talking about it for 4 years! I am finally the one on the other side of the departure gate!

I enjoyed the one-on-one time with my mum in the car when she sent me off to the airport. And of cos, my aunt's presence at the airport gave me reminders that I should be more alert, especially when I have to take care of Jacqueline too - it's her first time travelling without family. Like my aunt said, Manfred got conned into sending me off thinking no one was, when what I meant was no FRIENDS sending me off. Well, lucky he did, if not I really would be alone as my aunt and mum had to leave soon after they arrived.

Ok enough about the excitement...all the custom stuff at changi airport went ok, and I realized I wasn't as worried that my passport might not be readable for some reason or my thunbprint don't match my records.

Everything else was kinda normal and going smooth all the way till the plane took off. Jacq and I finally had a chance and all the time in the world to talk, about anything and everything. She's one person whom is most receptive to what I say and she thinks so about me too. No matter what happens, we try not to judge and talk things through. It's great to have her, and Wm in my life, because they are the people whom I can be really honest with my opinions, without fearing that they will like me any less or talk behind my back. Well I can count on Wm to slap me in my face with reality! They are great, and true friends do not just come naturally, they are God sent.

Ok, now the highlight of today...I woke up from drifting to sleep watching "limitless" and went to the lavatory. With my mind half asleep, I did my stuff and was ready to open the lavatory door when i felt my body being pulled to the ground and the whole lavatory being hauled skywards! Reflex pushed my hands to hold on to the door handle and brace myself my tryig to anchor my feet to the ground. It was an awkward position...I can totally picture it. A sight I would totally laugh at :S Then came the announcement for all passengers to return to their seat. I had all the intention to follow but part of me was wondering "isn't it more dangerous to be WALKING back to my seat then sitting on the toilet seat". But my in-shock mind held on to the believe that the crew would be more experienced than me.

That's about it for today, nothing too out of the ordinary, except for the fact that I almost hit the ceiling in the lavatory! This trip, is not only for leisure per se, but really a break for both me and jacqueline to calm down, reflect on our lives now and prepare ourselve for the next phase of our lives. And it's great to be embarking on this DISCOVERY journey with her. People say that travelling together can make friends become enemies....I see it also as a test of our friendship. Though we already had some disagreements before we left, I have faith that we'll enjoy this trip.

I'll be visiting Albany and the Boys and Girls club that I volunteered in. Tehy have agreed ot let me join their camp for 3 days! I'm so looking forward to it, especially when I promised some of the kids that I will be back next summer..this one. Though they probably forgot, but I can't help but hope to keep my promise to these little friends that brought the best out of me when I was there.

Oh man, though I thought I didn't have much to say, it's quite a long entry. Till next time! hopefully I'll be more conscientous in blogging (Bryan I will try k!).

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