Saturday, February 20, 2010

Rhode Island- Day 1

Hi guys!

Yah it's been a long time since I last updated my blog......But I'm redeeming myself by putting loads of photos in this blog entry! You know hor, adding and arranging photos in this blogspot is super troublesome!

We had a long weekend from friday to wednesday this week, so my apartment people rented a car and headed down to Rhode Island where my jie jie (Rose) stays. Rhode Island's a really nice countryside state, and wakefield, where we stayed, is a nice little town among the woods away from the city.

It was really great to see Rose again, and her place was a nice and cozy. It really felt like home......which we really appreciated especially when we were really beginning to miss home!

This is the room that Valerie, Daphne and I stayed in.

This is Paul's (Rose's husband) small farm area that has a pen for the chickens and a barn for his 2 sheeps to roam around. Oh and he has a white hen that is called Sadam......don't ask me why!

After a sumptous American breakfast (sausage, cinnamon roll, scramble eggs, choise of orange juice or chocolate milk, or hot chocolate.....or all), Paul gave us a tour of Wakefield. We came across a large pond and saw some people fishing. Paul went to talk to them and they welcomed us to come check out how fishing was done here, on ice!

This machine is called the Angus, it's used to drill a hole in the ice so they can put this tilt, on the right to fish. They do use fishing rods also, but only at the place they lay their stuff and sit down. Oh and there is a limit to the number of holes each person can use at one time......i think it's about 5 or 6.

Oh yah! We made snow angels too!

You know what people say about how you get to know people's true colours if you stay long enough with them? Here is GOOD friend!

See How she push me down then use me as a support to stand up!

After the little experential learning at the pond, we went to a skiing area called Yawgoo! My first time skiing! We spent USD65 for a 50 min lesson and unlimited skiing till 5pm. It was really fun and I really like skiing! Its like a combination of ice-skating and viking ride when you ski down steeper slope. It's really exciting and I just couldn't stop but keep going up the hill and ski down again!

After a fun-filled day, we met Rose after she knocked off from work and we went for dinner at a CHINESE RESTAURANT! fried rice, cha shao, guotie, chinese-style prawns......dream come true in america! And on top of that, it was good chinese food! Oh and there was a bubble tea joint around the corner at Rose's house. They have flavours that we can't find in Singapore, like Lavender, Taro (yam), Thai (haven't tried and sounds weird). The taro and Lavender flavoured ones are NICE! Oh but it's really expensive - USD3.25 for a large one. But it's really quite sweet, so you can actually add in more water and one cup is enough for 2 to 3 persons.

We ended the day by going back to our home-sweet-home. We all slept really well that night and was excited for our independent drive down to Newport the next day.

To be continued....... (ps I'll post day 2 perhaps tonight my time....heh heh)

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