Thursday, January 21, 2010

Entry one- Not so much of an introduction

Hi guys!
It's 5 am in the morning here.......I'm still experiencing the effects of jet lag but it's not so bad, I start to feel sleepy at about 9 plus yesterday, and after 6 hours of sleep I'm not wide awake and ready to go. Jac and Weming knows very wel how much I need my sleep and will not hesitate to. my Guan yin mah gang in hall 12, it's sad I can't chen yun over here, because it's really quiet outside on the street. Oh yah, over here in Troy, we are 13 hours behind Singapore time.

If this is the first time you are reading my blog and wondering if you're on the wrong page, don't worry......this IS the first entry to my blog. And Jac I'm sure you've guessed it right, I kinda procrastinated doing up my first entry of my blog. Actually, I did take pictures and did up a fairly exciting-sounding introduction to my journey in US, but I was just being my usual inflexible self, and insist that I NEED to include a video of my aparment, which starts with me going form the outside of the apartment and introducing each corner inside the hosue, which I haven yet to do. Plus whenever I i remember to take the video, the sun's already set and you can't really see anything from the outside.

Well, honestly, those are really excuses......the truth is, I really find blogging a hassle. My friends , especially Jac who's still waiting for me to read her blog sometime and show some interest and enthusiasm about her blog, would know that I don't even read people's blogs. But what's keeping me from forgoing this blog altogether is that I've promised some people to leave a record of my life during this exchange program. It's my way of connecting to the people I care for and my way of showing that I want to include them in my life. It's also my way of saying thanks to the people around me, my family, my friends in jc, hall, ntu, that have nothing but nice and tolerant towards me.
This entry is getting abit too lengthy, and boring with no photos or VIDEO OF MY APARTMENT. I'll just finish off with abit more of my heartfelt thoughts about coming to US and start off with the more exciting snippets of life here in the next entry. So if you are not really interested in my thoughts about coming to the US, please skip to the next entry. (PS: please be patient if i you do not see a NEXT ENTRY because that would mean I haven't done it...heh heh.... I know you have already read like so much and feel like killing me for only telling you to skip to the next blog to avoid the boring, wordy reflections-style of this entry, I'm sorry to do so. Not so sorry actually, because you can't do anything to me since i'm miles away :P Seet and lua and Daniel if you are reading this....too bad!!!

I decided to embark on this exchange trip mainly as a recee to find out if I would do my Masters degree over here. But as the days neared the day of my flight and when I touched down in JFK airport, it became clearer to me that I came here not solely for educational purposes, I came here to really learn more about myself and to look into what's wrong with me and change for the better. Looking back, life in Singapore just seem to pass by and I felt like I was simply going with the country's flow and pace. I really I haven't reflected much which I sooooo know i should. Jac and Weiming, I know you would be like nodding your head and saying "HELL YEAH!" to the next few sentenced. You two know best about of how I totally leave everything and everyone aside when i'm engrossed in doing it studying or ....hall games. Sometimes I just prioritise things that should not be the most important in my life, making people I care for feel neglected and resentful. I'm sorry guys......sometimes I just so want to give my best in something, regardless of whether is it worthwhile or not, that I just forget about eveyrthing else, even if they are more important. That's something I wanna look into when i'm here, discovering more about myself.

Maybe you guys may think i'm a goody-two-shoes, but what most excites me about this trip is really not the fact that I get to travel over the weekends to different parts of America, going to school without worrying about my grades, or FINDING an ANG MOH BOYFRIEND! I'm really more excited about really immersing in the school life over here, learning about the culture, joining a sports team (hopefully), and forming meaningful friendships both with fellow GIP students and also with the locals. I've always have a passion for learning about different cultures, and what makes them who they are and what they do. Well maybe that's precisely why I took psychology.

Well, in conclusion, this blog is mainly done for YOU, while this trip is for me to search my soul and find myself again. Hopefully, in through the blogs, you can see me grow, alongside all the embarrassing stuff that I seem to be a magnet for. So while I'm here finding myself and enjoying a stressfree life (I hope so), at the back of my mind I still remember you guys and want to share my life and thoughts with you all!


  1. I know it's weird that i comment on my own blog,but it really a teeny weeeeny bit too lengthy, but they are all heartfelt words of my mind!

  2. I LIKE THE FACT THAT I TALKED TO YOU!! MISSED YOU HELL LOADS and it doesn't SEEM TOO FAR AWAY after we chatted! it's like u're just at home and calling me to chat!!!

    LOVE U! n get ANG MOH BF and BRING FRIENDS OVER. lol!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Haha can't wait to sell me off again! Yah it really feels like it sem time, when we call each otehr but no time to meet. So take it that when i came back is when exams end lor!
