Sunday, January 24, 2010

Eve of school

School's going to start tomorrow, and i'm really quite looking forward to it.

Let's see, what's happen so far after my prev entry....Oh! I went running around the neighbourhood already! First was with Issey, Daphne and Valerie (who are my housemates), and once myself yesterday. Running in the cold was really a brand new experience. You don't get tired, but it gets harder to breath because the cold temperature makes it abit more uncomfortable.

Shuqi told me on msn that my blog is boring because it has no photos. Ok i'll try to add more's just that it takes a long time to upload them and for the past few times errors always pop up. I guess i should put more effort in making my blog more reader friendly since this is really for you people.For you who are still patiently and forgivingly reading my blog, thanks! I'll try to add in more photos.

Today the few of us are planning to go play basketball in a nearby court. Well, since none of us brought a ball, we are going to borrow it from our rocker neighbours upstairs. Hope they are at home......

Oh I haven't told you about my neighbours. They are locals and 2 of them also study at RPI. Robert opened the door for us when Valerie and I just arrived on Sun. He had tattoos on his arm and look like he works out often. Although he look like a typical rock band member, he was really friendly. Mike can down one day to give us his number and told us to give him a call if their playing of instruments got too noisy for us. He explained that they had a recording studio upstairs and will be playing music quite often. How cool is that?! A recording studio, musicians as neighbours! Some of my fellow RPI girls are excited to meet them, after hearing from us that they are quite cute.

Well that's for all now, wish me luck for school tomorrow!

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