Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mai dong xi Chi dong xi

I realize that I really need to blog everyday because there's just so much to share, and i always assume I can skip blogging since tomorrow will just be a normal boring day.

This entry is for yesterday's shopping outing at Crossgates in Albany. It is a BIG shopping center with 3 levels, almost as big or even bigger than suntec city. We shopped there for 7 hours!

The first I saw was a candy stall in the middle of the mall that had a WIDE variety of candies. They had chocolates and sweets and gums......I just had to grab me some!

Since I don't usually shop and seldom have the mood to really try out clothes, I really spent a good 5 out of the 7 hours walking around, browsing around and just move on to the next store, and of course got quite bored. Then I came across this toy machine where you insert a coin aand turn and you get a toy. But this machine had plastic balls of the different sports that costed 25c per try. I got a sotball first, then a basketball, the Issey came along and I offered him a coin to try. He just had to get a cheapo metal ring that he threw away in the end. Well at least he redeemed himself by getting me a soccer ball.

There was this sports departmental store called Dick's. I know what kind of joke you are trying to make of it......It was huge, like a 2 storeyed Walmart of sporting goods. EVERYTHING about sports was there! They even have canoes! Ok i realize I should have taken photos of them. Don't worry I have photos of shopping......Oh but the shoes come in shelves! Rows and rows of shoes in different categories from women's running shoes to men's soccer boots. If I had all the money in the world, I would buy all the softball equipment and a basketball goal!

When we took a break for lunch at the foodcourt, yes they do have an eating area that resembles a foodcourt, while a few of us girls were excitedly sharing their buys, I sat down at the table with Issey, the only guy. And he gave me that look. The look that a guy would give to a guy that means "what's with girls and shopping? Is it really THAT exciting?" I rejected the welcome to his side by shooting back "what's with that look, i'm a girl also ok! I'm not on your side lor!" Then he made another face that means "yah right". And, for the rest of the day he reminding me that girls=shopping which makes my something short of a girl. Frankly I'm happy to say that I can resist the temptation of shopping, which can help me save more money! BUT.....the money goes to food in the end!

I went into an Old Navy store that my aunt recommended me to visit. It was nice and some of the clothes were really cheap. I found a blouse with the design that I have been looking for. Yiping and yulian if you are reading this, remember the time we went shopping? I wanted to buy this blouse at 39.90? This one i bought is something like that,but more fitting. I finally got it! Oh and I also bought a t-shirt at 10 bucks and a pair of shoes at 6.99.

Ok I'll just skip to the highlight of the day! At the last 2 hours of shopping, we went back to a store that Daphne recommended where she bought a nice dress for 3 dollars. Well I just tagged along, and just bear with it a little longer before we headed home for DINNER! The shop was a mix of hula and co and topshop. We went to this area with circular racks that says "50% of already discounted price". Okay......another sale, more clothes, it didn't really impressed me. So i jsut walked around and looked through the clothes and i saw this topshop christmas-party kind of dress that was priced at 6.99 BEFORE the 50% discount! So it's actually about 3.50!!!! Ok something's got me interested now! Before I know it, I was trying out 12 sets of clothing ranging form 3.99 to 12.99 all before 50% discount! And mind you, they are all good quality clothes, not top-notched but worth say 20, 30 plus in Singapore? I am now going to list the price i paid then the original price of the item beside, in the order of the photos.

Item 1: White working blouse (6.5/21.99), Item 2: Long sleeve stripe blouse (3.75/7.50), Item 3: Red checked top (6.50/19.99), Item 4: Grey sleeveless long cardigan (5/22.99) and finally the star buy item 5: Purple winter coat ( 9.99/45.00)

In total, I spent Singapore dollar 107 on goods that would have cost me at least 200 in Singapore! It's not that I don't shop ok! But I shop wisely!

1 comment:

  1. OMG THATS ALOT OF MONEY STILL!!! LOL! still.. u make me feel so ripped of my money is Singapore. maybe i should ship all my money to the US and you buy for me!! hahaha
