Monday, February 8, 2010

Feb 9-High day!

I feel much better today......the feel-sick phase was over and I'm left with a throatful of phlegm and 2 nostrilsful of mucus.

Hey today is my courageous day! Hm, Feb 8 shall be my high day every year!

High fact 1: I finally spoke up in class! It was a spontaneous moment when I suddenly felt like speaking and I didn't even realized I raised my hand to speak! You must be thinking I'm so loser right? Talk in class only what! You don't know how I feel man! I feel like everything I say would sound stupid, but I was just being paranoid......I realize I should just heck care and speak up when i have something to say!

Went to try out frisbee girls' training today with Valerie. Personally, frisbee is not one of my favorite games, but I wanted to go for a work out and see what training is like here. Today was E-N-D-U-R-A-N-C-E training for the first session! It sounded scary when I heard the captain say we were going to do a warm up jog, then run, then do stairs training, then run, then stairs, then run again and every week she'll add 3 laps to the training......a mouthful of scariness. But it turned out to be more bearable than I imagined. But I feel it's true that Americans have better physic than us. I know it's a fact, but I've never really compared the 2 myself.....finally get to really workout and perspire-High fact 2!

High fact 3: This might seem trivial, but i actually, walked across 2 basketball courts to a group of guys playing basketball to borrow one of their basketball to play, I went there myself! Honestly hor, I'm not a brave person, so this is kinda small brave act for me!

High fact 4: And after playing basketball, I saw my classmate that I sat with today and I wave at him! And he said hi and we had a short hi-how-was-your-day-kinda chat! I think he is the closest so far I have to a real friend who won't talk to me today and come to class next lesson like he didn't know me at all! Am I that unapproachable or detestable or...etc.

Highest but most trivial high fact for the day: My greatest desire today? Is to PLAY SOFTBALL!!!! The worse thing is that every morning I wake up and I see the green softball given to me by the softball girls, which I really really really appreciate and LOVE it, make me miss softball everyday. I have been missing it every day since dunno when! And the best thing today? The roommate of frisbee captain is a softballer!!! I know it means nothing, yet. But it could mean that I may be able to join them in training, or join the recreational tournaments, or borrow a glove to at least play with myself!!!

Today is super high! Made progress, worked out, kinda made a friend, i hope at least, and have a headstart to being able to play softball here!!!

Just to update on my upcoming travel plans: for CNY, my apartment will be driving down to Rhode Island to meet my cheche then to Maryland where Washington DC is.

Hey guys I need advice for Springbreak! Cos I'll be going on a road trip from New York to Texas. We'll most likely take the Pensylvenia, West Virginia route. Anyone know any nice place to visit along this route or any other route from NY Albany to Texas? I can't wait to go there, rodeo environment with all the BBQ !!!!!!! Yup.......glorious food again!

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