Thursday, February 4, 2010


Hey so happy you all got read my blog man! Pressured to blog more now......
Hm let me see what happen since my prev entry......Oh I went down to Boston! My first road trip in the US!
We went to Newbury, a shopping area that look like another Boston neighbourhood. But the goods belonged to the higher end category, so most of us didn't buy anything.

Oh we went to this restaurant, Durkin Park. They serve mainly western food, speciality- meat!

Yup......I ordered mix grill, BUT i shared it with Anne, Zixuan and Issey OK! I didn't devour all the meat myself! Oh the clam chowder was PERFECT! The best thing is that the portion was humungous (how do you spell that?) We ordered 3 dishes and shared among the 4 of us, yet we couldn't finish everything. Satisfied stomach and taste buds!

The highlight of the Boston trip was that......watched a NBA match between Celtics and Lakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bern! I really went to watch it!
The experience was really an eye opener and the crowd was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Apart from the match, I also got to watch the players do their warm up! It's a normal thing......but you DON'T get to watch it on TV! All the booing, yelling, cursing that we watch in American movies, that's the way they are here times 100 000 times(when you're inside the arena)! You can almost smell their energy......the people are just so into the game as if they bet 1000 bucks on it. I was so spurred on by the cheering and jeering that for the 1st time in my life I tried to boo at a team......and guess what? the first sports team I booed at was the super LA lakers who, won the match in the end.....

Great game still, but it would be perfect if the Celtics have won...... After the game, I overheard comments everywhere that it was a well-fought match and it was better than the previous Celtics vs Lakers game. What's 200 bucks man?! The game was priceless! Yah, and since then I have been packing lunch to school. Oh yah, I cheered so hard I fell off my seat 2 times! There was once when it was so exciting, I kept nudging a stranger who was sitting beside me! I couldn't help it man...... the turnovers during the game and the dunks was just over the top! Like how i fell over the top too.
Besides that super great NBA experience, I also took the subway for the first time in my life. It was about the same as taking the MRT, just that the subways are less clean, and down at the platform it still froze like the outside of the station. Oh and if you come here next time, look out for a white sign board with a black capital "T" to locate a subway station.

But the sad thing was, I saw a homeless person sitting at the subway chair. He was wearing a soiled, long cotton robe, with many layers of clothes under it. An overused long working pants with tattered leather shoes. He was slouching into the chair reading a bible close to his face, and on the floor just beside his feet was a plastic bag packed with what seemed like clothes. I guess it was really all he had. I don't tear or cry easily, but at that moment I really felt like crying. Ignoring all economic facts i've learnt or bankruptcy stories I've heard, I just couldn't understand at that very moment why the world would just leave the homeless on the streets. Nothing is worse than having no shelter over your head and no warm home to go to on a cold winter's night......The most touching thing was that he still held on to his Christian faith and was still faithfully reading his bible. We worry by the hundreds of dollars we spend each month while they wonder how many more meals can the money in their pocket pay for. We are really lucky......

Well on the bright side, it was a great experience learning more about the US culture in Boston! It's a pity we only stayed one night in Boston so really didn't do much......but that game was all I needed from Boston.

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