Sunday, February 7, 2010


What I fear most about going on GIP? Falling sick in a foreign land.

I'm lying on my bed now, just woke up from an I-don't-know-how-long nap. Been feeling unwell for the past 2 days, but was still hoping that my flu symptoms would not develop into full-blown flu....I still fell sick in the end!

I know how people always tease me about how i can relate everything to food. Actually I do! I love food, because I believe I see it differently. Like how different can you see food right?! For me, food is brings about emotions, and emotions is what make life exciting and meaningful. Food that I like bring happiness and excitement; spicyness bring frustration and helplessness (that's why I don't really like spicy food); dining with exquisite cuisine is like appreciating art (i don't know what is tht kind of feeling called); meals cooked at home every days especially having someone cook porridge whenever you are unwell is love.

Whenever I fall sick, wherever I am, I will remember the people who cooks porridge for me. When i think about it, those are the very people in my life who trully cares for me. Not that everyone else don't, but there are the people who not only cares but will not hesitate to put aside everything for me. Deciding who loves you most simply by whether they cook porridge for you when you're unwell might sound really ridiculous, but that's what I feel. If their love wasn't so strong, i wouldn't be thinking and missing them now.

As humans, we simply do not have the capacity to trully care for each and everyone we know. There are only a couple of or even only one person that we really love and are willing to seriously cook for. And I mean not simply just slipshot, ok-i-cooked-so-i-care kind of cooking. Love-cooking, I guess I should put a term to it to distinct it from normal cooking, is when the person prepares a dish or meal for someone and takes utmost care to every step involved in the process, with the conscientous intention to make the dish turn out the best it can be for the intended person, both for his or her enjoyment and well-being. And such "chefs" are not out to impress, all they have in mind is the person's well-being.

Love-cooking is one of the most, if not the best way to show that we care. It does not expect anything in return and does not appear purposeful.

My Godmother, was the person who showed taught me what love-cooking is. But I only really know about it after she passed away. She's was the best example of someone who cooks with love, and she's the very person that I always seem to think about when I need feel I really need someone beside me.

I'm feeling less lethargic now. And the funny thing is that I'm here preparing porridge with Valerie coincidentally after talking about cooking. I'm kinda missing home already, especially after falling sick......It's just a phase I guess, and it'll be over soon.

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