Saturday, June 12, 2010

Getting comfortable here!

Today Jay, my classmate whom I thought was going to stay in this apt came over. He is actually a long-time buddy of Matt's. All of us went to the movies at Colonie Centre (shopping mall) and we watched "A-team". It was quite a cool action movie......quite funny too!

You know at first I was thinking maybe I should just stay in the apt and do my stuff instead of going with them. Then I remembered when I went to NYC myself, if that morning I didn't go travelling with the people I met in the hostel, i wouldn't have made new friends and had that great experience travelling with them and learning from them! Although watching a movie will definitely pale in terms of adventure and learning, it gave me and the guys something to remember and talk about. And I find that I am getting more comfortable around them.

Today I found out that Jeff is really the blur, nerdy kinda guy. I won't be surprised if he's the kind that bullys like to pick on. But that's just the way he is, and he's being himself-which I respect. Too many people in our Singaporean society find the need to wear a sociable, confident mask, even though deep down they feel insecure about who they are. Since I came to the US for GIP, I've seen people of sooo many different personality types that I feel in singapore our personality variation curve is only half or something. But one thing that they all have in common is that, they are jsut themselves, they don't seem to hide it. Even if they are nerdy, they seem to just go with it and heck what people say. This I truly admire, because I recall that sometimes I find it hard to be myself and in the end I don't even know if an opinion or action is really me anymore. In the end, it's the people who really cares that don't care about how perfect you are, and those who don't that picks on your flaws. So why bother about the selfish scrutinizing and superficial judgement of these people? Easier said than done, this I still need to learn.

Today I planned out a schedule for my independent studies since I will be practically only doing computer work until July when the workshop starts. I suddenly realize I have so much time to myself, I really should not waste it. I hope I really bring back something more from this internship period back with me. One of it, I do hope I can bring back a friendship with my housemates, cause I feel that they are really great people in their own way!

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