Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer in Rhode island

Haha been a while since I blogged....when i get things to do, blogging just becomes something I pretend to forget about doing.

I'm in Rhode Island now, at my jiejie's place. Since I was only doing computer work for my internship, I decided to spend a few days here and help out with the garden. It's been a new experience for me, helping out with picking the peas, harvesting zuichinni and summer squash under the hot summer sun! I've always wanted to work in an orchard or plantation and this has KIND OF fulfill my little wish. It's not a big garden but we get to harvest and sell some veggies everyday.

Apart from the the different types of veggies, I think I've seen at least 20 types of insects in this small garden. On top of that, Jiejie's obsession with flowers added another flower garden to her yard this year!

This place is bursting with plantlife! It's really calming to start the day waking up to a beautiful flower garden, walk amongst the greens, feel the gentle morning sun. I've been doing that for the past 5 days and every morning, after breakfast, I would cycle to URI (University of Rhode Island), where I go to the public library to do my studying and computer work.

Oh and I have been "running" a dog called maxi for a little part time pay. He's really hyper-active, and I get to do a little extra running when i'm suppose to be walking him around the yard. He's quite mischievous, always trying to incite Buddy (Paul's dog), who is mostly chained since no one's free to walk him. I managed to "run" him too these few days, and I could see how much he liked it!

I actually like Buddy better, I' more of a large dog person. Sall dogs just seem to be always looking out for fun and attention and too hyperactive for me. Larger dogs seems to be more affectionate and "friend-like". There's just this air of loyalty to the makes people feel that they can really bond with them, and not just have the for pets.

Oh and the woods here is full of wildlife too! Jsut the other day when I went jogging, I saw a few squirrels, chipmunks, a fox, a wild rabit and 5 species of birds which I don't now the names of.
There are actually possoms and deers here too, I wonder if i'll get to see them...Ill be trying to get photos of chipmunks and wild rabbits..wish me luck!

I really feel at home here. I have a bike for my use, a room with TV and cable in it, and a storeroom full of food!! Most importantly, I have family here. People that I watch TV with, eat dinner with, and go get bubble tea or buy dinner with! It's just sad that I'm going back to Troy in 5 days. Well, but i can't slack forever, and I'm quite excited about internship too!

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