Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Post-trip, pre-internship, meet- the-housemates

I am now at the new apartment alone. My 2 housemates are out to work in their internship and I will only see them for the first time tonight when they are back at about 630pm.

I know this entry should be about how wonderful travelling had been, but I just am not in the mood to talk about it yet. Maybe because today marks the first day that I spend in Troy alone, and on top of that, I do not know what to expect from my housemates. This brings me back to the start of GIP, I can't really remember how I felt on the first day, but there wasn't anything so significantly sad that I remember it. But now I really feel fear deep inside and i'm worried that it will slowly grow to such an intensity that I can't avoid it.

After touching down at 930 this morning, I spent the day reactivating my US number (cos I lost it in Vancouver), and coming back to unpack my stuff. I found that I was kind of battling with my own voice inside my head, crying out that I am really alone now, no Singaporeans around me, and it will be like that for 2 months. I have to admit that for the whole day I have been avoiding thinking about it, because I know that coming to terms with it would require some emo-ing and maybe tears again. I guess it's not only that I will be alone here that scares me, but living with 2 American guys. I really don't know if i can get along with them, and I totally do not know what ot expect. If living here would be just living apart as housemates and not even friends, the 2 months will be enduring! Well, ironically, this is something that I have been wanting to experience.

Was chatting with friend online just now, trying to distract myself from my own thoughts, and my housemates came back from work! They seem like nice people. But people usually appear nice at first and time slowly reveals OTHER things. I just hope it's good things.....

I feel much better now after I have met them. We are all back in our own rooms doing our stuff. It's better this way for a first day......too much forced socialization will only make things awkward.

I'll be uploading my photos from the trip soon! Tomorrow starts the internship.....excited and also anxious if I can be of help to the research team....gambatte!

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