Friday, June 11, 2010

My housemates

Today's the 3rd day I'm at my new apartment. I'm beginning to feel good about staying here......Perhaps me freaking out on the first day is God's will, so that when I realize how wrong I was, I would feel so much more assured that I was led here in safe hands!

From what i've gathered, both of them are the more studious kinda engineering guys. Maybe Jeff is a bit more nerdy since he comes across a little essentric and inflexible. He's also quite and all-rounded gamer! He has his Xbox, playstation, and Wee outside in the living room, and inside his room he has his desktop equipped with everything he needs for online gaming. But he's not a hardcore gamer, he watch videos too. Yesterday I could hear him laughing out loud from my room and when i walked pass his room, he was watching some comedy on his computer. He's kinda adorable in his innocent way like a child. He's not so much of an initiator when it comes to helping, but he helps out whenever it seemed obvious that his help is needed. I guess he's just not that sensitive a person, but from what i've seen, definitely not a bad one. Although he's an engineer, he didn't seem good with math when we were dividing the cost for grocery shoping yesterday, as there were many stuff we bought that i will not be using, so grocery was a little more complicated.

Matt don't seem like a nerd to me, more like a dilligent and intelligent worker with little words. He does speak with more EQ and doesn't have that essentric aura that nerds have. He's also not the wild guy with the taleban terrorist what i saw on his facebook before meeting them. His facebook was the one that freaked my out so much I seriously tried to persuade my landlord to let me move out of this apartment. I'm glad I took the chance and stayed on to meet them first. He's the one that people can talk to and not feel awkward, and he offered to give me lift whenever I need to go around since I don't drive here. Surprisingly, Matt is quite a neat person and lives quite a healthy lifestyle. Most of the organic and non-processed groceries are brought by him-granola bars, wheat biscuits, orange juice, chicken breast meat instead of thighs, organic rice etc. Jeff is the typical american student that likes processed frozen food and sodas and ice-creams- but he says he's trying to eat healthy (he bought a box of ice-cream bars comments). And Matt sleeps early, at 11pm his lights go out..for the past 2 nights.

Woo......I realized I've been quite observant to list all these out for the past 2 days! Oh and we had dinner together last night. I prepared something that is more western than chinese even though they told me they do take chinese food- I just didn't know if true healthy chinese food will be to thier liking. They seemed to like the food I prepared since all the mushroom chicken was finished...except that Jeff ate all the chicken and left the mushrooms-apparently he doesn't like mushrooms. Matt doesn't like pork- lucky he said he doesn't LIKE and not he don't EAT, if not my concern about him being a muslim terrorist will arise again. We bought pork chop in the end since Matt said he would give pork a chance again.

After dinner, we went grocery shopping together, and it was Sam's Club!!! My favourite grocery store, cause everything comes in a food warehouse. I was glad that I could offer my membership card so they could enjoy the benefit. Now is really the testing time when each of us are trying to check out what kind of a person we each are, and whether we are the contributors or the leechers. I found out that the 2 of them are definitely not leechers, and I am more then willing to contribute as much within my ability to maintain a good housemate relationship.

So far things seem pretty good, and I even chose to stay here to do my independent studies before the workshop for my internship starts, instead of going over to stay at Rose's place.

Thank God my housemates are not weirdos or crazy party people!


  1. Thumbs up to living with american guys. *winks*

    Thumbs up up to living w/o Singaporeans.

    and up up up for being so hmmm.. observant?

    oh and budee, its Wii! not WEE. For a mo, I thought your housemate Pee in the living room!!

  2. Hahaha oh man...i think I am a nerd against computer and games!

    For now, I'm not like totally very gam with them, but al least we can talk and don't feel too awkward. And they are really down to earth people. I'm so glad I didn't move to my otehr friend's friend's place. Cos that time I decided not to stay there becos only got one guy, so I thought it was weird. Thank God I still made the right decision!

    Jac I'm counting down the days to go back. Actually part of me dun wanna go YOG le....just wanna chill out and meet all the people that I have missed these few months. But then again YOG could be the one and only time Singapore will host the olympics....

    Jac when i go back lets go eat at some coffee's what I miss most now. And go plaza Sing!

  3. LOL!

    okay can. so how about the YOG thing? are you going ahead with it? if you are then we can still email them I guess. (:

  4. I think we should try and give it a shot. I emailed them 3 times liao...they didn't reply u either?
